New JavaScript runtime (deno) tries to fight the “worse-is-better law of software evolution”.

  • simplifies software development by removing “accidental complexity”
    • e.g. implicit dependencies, environment requirements, abstraction layers (docker)
  • builtin formatter (deno fmt), LSP server (deno lsp), deployment packager (deno vendor), transpilation-free TypeScript runtime (deno main.ts)
  • no reliance on system shell, instead provides deno_task_shell
    • avoids compatibility issues between (b?a|z|t?c)sh
    • Makefile-like entrypoints without relying on make nor system shell
  • some builtin safety, e.g. deno run < in.txt can only read the explicitly specified input
  • no package registry nor manager, instead lockfiles use URLs (optionally can self-host registries)
    • (personal opinion) the public will create a de-facto global registry
  • provides “stable” runtime APIs for unified cross-platform interface
  • stdlib is separate (like any dependency) from base deno binary
    • ongoing effort for more batteries-included stdlib
  • :crossed_swords: con: only runs TypeScript and/or JavaScript (rather than a sane language)