Sustainable FOSS Management
free & open-source software
projects without burning out; and contributing successfully.
- goals
maintainability/sustainability: keep project manageable
progress: always iterating forward
efficiency: avoid wasting time
- set direction/plan roadmap
tension between expanding vs sustainably maintaining (esp. for larger projects)
- issue/ticket trackers
there will always be contributors (opening valid issues)
maintainers have too limited time/attention to action everything
(typically) aim for a manageable number of (rather than zero) issues
treat as priority- rather than check-list
- judge what is (not) important
- close based on likelihood of being addressed soon rather than ever (could reassess & reopen later)
(personal opinion) I think this discourages contributors & produces duplicate issues/fragmented discussion/lost problems. Instead I’d use milestones/project boards to collect “being addressed soon” issues, while labelling unresolvable/low-priority things appropriately
- prioritising one issue means de-prioritising another
stop accepting new issues altogether if too many to manage
(personal opinion) I’d trim prioritised issues instead
- set goal of tackling 1 per day
when closing, mention willingness to (re)consider further suggestions
communicate everything clearly & constantly to contributors
- should ideally close more issues than they open
- solve an issue as “payment” for opening another?
- try to minimise maintainers’ required effort